Cicak RM30,000
PENDANG: Segelintir penduduk kampung di beberapa daerah di negeri ini dikatakan sibuk mencari sejenis haiwan daripada spesies cicak sejak dua bulan lalu yang didakwa boleh dijual dengan harga mencecah RM30,000 untuk dijadikan ubat tradisional.
Namun, reptilia yang dikenali sebagai cicak gekko-gecko itu didakwa sukar dijumpai dan ditangkap, tetapi terdapat penduduk kampung yang berjaya menangkap dan menyimpannya.
Daud Derani, 50, dari Kampung Paya Mat Inson, dekat sini, adalah antara penduduk yang berjaya menangkap haiwan terbabit yang turut dikenali dengan nama ‘Pok-Ke’ di kalangan penduduk berikutan ia mengeluarkan bunyi seakan-akan namanya itu dan boleh didengari dalam jarak hampir satu kilometer.
Daud ketika ditemui berkata, dia menangkap haiwan itu di dalam hutan di sekitar Nami, dekat sini kira-kira dua bulan lalu, namun dia hanya memperoleh saiz yang kecil iaitu kira-kira 20 sentimeter panjang dengan berat kira-kira 80 gram.
Difahamkan, reptilia berwarna kelabu keputihan itu hanya boleh dijual jika beratnya melebihi 300 gram.
“Saya tidak ada niat untuk menjualnya kerana saiznya agak kecil, tetapi saya difahamkan ada penduduk di Gajah Mati, dekat sini yang berjaya menangkap haiwan itu dengan saiz yang agak besar ditawarkan harga kira-kira RM30,000 oleh seorang tauke dari Sabah dan Ipoh kira-kira dua bulan lalu.
“Saya tidak tahu untuk apa kegunaannya, tetapi saya difahamkan ia boleh dijadikan ubat untuk penyakit tertentu,” katanya. Daud berkata, penduduk di beberapa kampung di Sik dan Baling turut sibuk mencari haiwan terbabit, namun belum pernah mendengar mana-mana penduduk yang sudah menjual haiwan itu.
Sementara itu, Pengarah Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (Perhilitan) Kedah, Rahim Ahmad berkata, cicak gekko-gecko bukanlah spesies yang dilindungi dan bukan menjadi kesalahan sekiranya ada individu yang menangkap dan membelanya.
“Habitat haiwan itu ialah di dalam belukar di sekitar rumah dan juga hutan, tetapi memang agak sukar dijumpai,” katanya.
P/S kalau indonesia, cicak tokeknya mahal harganya, Malaysia pun ada cicak Pok-ke gak!
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Kenapa Tokek Itu Mahal?

Tokek adalah nama umum untuk menyebut cecak besar. Ada beberapa jenis tokek, namun istilah tokek biasanya merujuk kepada jenis tokek rumah berikut. Tokek rumah adalah sejenis reptil yang masuk ke dalam golongan cecak besar, suku Gekkonidae. Tokek rumah memiliki nama ilmiah Gekko gecko (Linnaeus, 1758). Dalam bahasa lain hewan ini disebut sebagai téko atau tekék (B.Jawa), tokék (B.Sunda), dan tokay gecko atau tucktoo (B.Inggris).
Cecak yang berukuran besar, berkepala besar. Panjang total mencapai 340 mm, hampir setengahnya adalah ekornya.Dorsal (sisi punggung) kasar, dengan banyak bintil besar-besar. Abu-abu kebiruan sampai kecoklatan, dengan bintik-bintik berwarna merah bata sampai jingga. Ventral (perut, sisi bawah tubuh) abu-abu biru keputihan atau kekuningan. Ekor membulat, dengan enam baris bintil; berbelang2.
Jari-jari kaki depan dan belakang dilengkapi dengan bantalan pengisap yang disebut scansor, yang terletak di sisi bawah jari. Gunanya untuk melekat pada permukaan yang licin. Maka, dari sisi atas jari-jari tokek nampak melebar

Maraknya penangkapan terhadap satwa tokek belakangan ini, selain karena harganya yang cukup menggiurkan ternyata tokek ini mempunyai kasiat menyembuhkan virus HIV/AIDS. Benarkah?
(Ah.. cuma rumor
) Rumor itulah yang membuat warga Pekanbaru, Riau melakukan perburuan terhadap satwa perayap dan bermata belok ini. Menurut penuturan salah satu agen tokek di Pekanbaru Yon Candra (32), konon lidah tokek inilah yang bisa mengobati virus mematikan HIV/AIDS.
“Yang berfungsi bisa mengobati AIDS pada tokek ini adalah terletak pada lidahnya. Namun itupun berat tokeknya harus di atas 3 ons dan masih keadaan hidup. Namun bagaimana caranya mengemasnya menjadi obat AIDS ini adalah pada penampung dan peramunya. Tokek ini di ekspor ke Thailand dan China. Mereka inilah yang mengolah menjadi obat, itulah info yang saya dapat,” (Pantesan sekarang banyak orang berbondong2 berburu tokek


“Yang berfungsi bisa mengobati AIDS pada tokek ini adalah terletak pada lidahnya. Namun itupun berat tokeknya harus di atas 3 ons dan masih keadaan hidup. Namun bagaimana caranya mengemasnya menjadi obat AIDS ini adalah pada penampung dan peramunya. Tokek ini di ekspor ke Thailand dan China. Mereka inilah yang mengolah menjadi obat, itulah info yang saya dapat,” (Pantesan sekarang banyak orang berbondong2 berburu tokek

Gecko sdh lama dikenal sbg pengobatan tradisonal tiongkok krn mampu menghasilkan senyawa anti-tumor dan kanker dgn cara menaikkan kekebalan tubuh penderita dan penelitian yg intensif ttg manfaat gecko trus diadakan di cina termasuk kemungkinan sbg senyawa anti-HIV. (sumber google)
Tokek Dewasa yang memiliki berat > 3 Ons
Dipercaya kandung empedunya mengalami kristalisais
Yang di Percaya sebagai Obat AIDS
Kalo masih kecil blom manjur gan kalo buat Obat AIDS
Inilah kadang yang membuat warga Pekabaru mulai yakin kalau harga tokek bisa mencapai miliaran rupiah dan kemudian mereka beramai-ramai melakukan penangkapan.Sementara itu salah satu dokter di Pekanbaru yang sering menangani kasus virus HIV/AIDS Burhanudin Agung dalam perbincangan dengan wartawan mengatakan sejauh ini dari beberapa riset dan percobaan belum ada satupun obat yang mampu menyembuhkan virus AIDS.Dipercaya kandung empedunya mengalami kristalisais
Yang di Percaya sebagai Obat AIDS
Kalo masih kecil blom manjur gan kalo buat Obat AIDS
Sebab katanya, yang namanya virus itu tidak bisa disembuhkan. Namun kalau untuk mempertahankan daya tubuh jika sudah terjangkit HIV/AIDS itu baru ada yakni Anti Retroviral (ARV) yang harganya cukup mahal.
“Data WHO sejauh ini memang belum ditemukan obat untuk mengobati AIDS. Namun jika tokek itu terbukti bisa mengobatinya ya Alhamdulillah berati Indonesia bisa menjadi produsen obat seperti yang dikatakan presiden SBY belum lama ini,” kata Burhanuddin.

Lain lagi dengan Firdaus warga Jakarta, Dengan iming-iming akan mendapatkan keuntungan besar, seorang pemuda bernama Firdaus (21) dalam satu tahun terakhir telah menggeluti bisnis jual beli binatang yang kabarnya dapat menyembuhkan HIV/AIDS itu. “Saya sudah 1 tahun bisnis tokek. Awalnya saya kenal sama seseorang bernama Mat Nur, lalu kita diskusi bagaimana caranya dapat duit banyak. Terus saya dengar tokek harganya mahal, ya udah sejak itu saya cari tokek dan saya jual-beliin deh,” kata Firdaus saat ditemui di kediamannya di Kawasan Cipete Selatan, Jakarta.
Untuk memelihara tokek-tokek itu, Firdaus mengaku tidak pernah mengalami kesulitan. Pasalnya, memelihara tokek, menurutnya, tidaklah sulit. Selain itu, ongkos makan juga tidak mahal. “Ternak tokek sebenarnya gampang. Satu minggu kita cuma kasih dia makan jangkrik seharga Rp 5.000 sebanyak dua kali. Artinya satu tokek seminggu biaya makannya Rp 10.000,” katanya. Jumlah tokek yang dimiliki Firdaus saat ini delapan ekor. Dari delapan tokek yang dimilikinya, berat maksimal adalah 2 ons, sedangkan yang paling ringan 1 ons. Meski telah 1 tahun berbisnis tokek, Firdaus mengaku belum pernah merasakan menjual tokek dengan harga yang fantastis. Harga tertinggi yang pernah didapatkan hanya Rp 2 juta. Ini karena tokek yang dimilikinya hanya memiliki berat maksimal 2 ons.

“Susah cari tokek yang besar. Tokek besar banyaknya di daerah, kalau di Jakarta jarang. Paling ada kecil-kecil,” katanya. Harga tokek bervariasi. Sementara itu, mengenai harga jual tokek di pasaran, menurut pria bujang ini, tergantung berat tokek itu sendiri. Semakin besar atau berat tokek, harganya makin mahal. “Kalau tokek ukuran 1 ons di pasaran bawah (bukan harga dari eksportir) Rp 100.000, kalau tokek 1,5 ons Rp 200.000, tokek ukuran 2 ons Rp 500.000 sampai Rp 2 juta. Tokek 2,5 ons harganya antara Rp 5 juta dan Rp 30 juta,” paparnya.



“Kalau dibawa pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain akan kelihatan. Pernah teman saya bawa dari Padang ke Jakarta buat dijual. Dari Padang beratnya 7 ons. Eh pas sampai Jakarta beratnya turun jadi 2 ons. Ternyata pas ditanya ke orang yang ngerti, itu gara-gara stres. Malah yang lebih parah lagi, teman saya bawa (tokek) dari Tanah Abang ke Pasar Minggu. Eh pas sampai tujuan tokeknya mati. Akhirnya gagal dijual,”
Menurut Firdaus, tokek adalah binatang yang sejak dulu dikenal dapat menjadi obat. Daging tokek, menurutnya, dipercaya banyak orang merupakan obat gatal. Begitu juga dengan darah dan empedu tokek.
“Konon, empedu tokek yang sudah jadi kristal bisa jadi obat apa aja. Itu biasanya kalau tokeknya sudah 4 ons beratnya. Terus, tokek juga katanya bisa jadi obat HIV/AIDS, tapi enggak tahu apanya. Ada yang bilang darahnya, dagingnya, lidahnya,”
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Mitsubishi Gearbox Information
Here is another useful information for Mitsubishi gearbox users. This is a very useful information for those who wish to know more about their Mitsubishi gearbox. This information is for the gearbox made by Mitsubishi from 1992 until 1996.
Year 1992 |
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Year 1993 |
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Year 1994 |
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Year 1995 |
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Year 1996 |
Mitsubishi Engine codes, Decoder, 6g73, 6g74, 4G63...
Mitsubishi Engine codes, Decoder, 6g73, 6g74, 4G63...
The number and lettering system of Mitsubishi engines can be a little confusing, so here is how to decipher them:
Numerical Prefix | Numerical Suffix |
4 = four cylinder 6 = six cylinder | 12 = 2.0 litre 13 = 2.5 litre 36 = 2.0 litre 54 = 2.6 litre 61 = 1.6 litre 62 = 1.85 litre 63 = 2.0 litre 64 = 2.4 litre 72 = 3.0 litre 73 = 2.5 litre 74 = 3.5 litre 91 = 1.5 litre 92 = 1.6 litre 93 = 1.8 litre |

The entire range of high performance Mitsubishi sixes is set in a V configuration. Starting off with the most powerful, the 6G72 twin turbo engine is responsible for pushing the heavy 3000GT/GTO to 100 km/h in around five seconds. Its attributes are a displacement of 3.0 litres, 8.0:1 compression, quad cams, 24 valves, twin (simultaneous) turbos, dual air-to-air intercoolers and a sophisticated EFI system - all giving a total output of 209kW at 6000 rpm, with a bag of 427Nm at only 2500 rpm! Now that would make one awesomely flexible road-car engine! In Japan, development of this engine has been quite minor in comparison to the Nissan RB26DETT, but we'd expect that you could attain around 300kW with simple exhaust, intake, intercooler and boost modifications.
A high performance naturally aspirated version of this engine (also called the 6G72), is available minus all the turbo intake trickery, but with a higher static compression ratio of 10.0:1 to help compensate. It makes 179kW at 5750 and 304Nm at 3500. A lower spec trim again can be found, which is good for 168kW and 275Nm, and yet another (as in the Japanese Diamante/Magna) is capable of 127kW and 248Nm.
About 17% larger at 3.5 litres, the DOHC 6G74 turbo comes suitable for front and all-wheel-drive and produces 194 kW at 6000 rpm.

The Japanese market Diamante is also powered by a 10.0:1 compression ratio atmospherically inducted 6G74 3.5 litre, that produces 194kW at 6000 and 324Nm at 4500 rpm. In between the 3.0 and 2.0 V6s is the 6G73 2.5 litre motor. Available in FWD atmo form only, this DOHC powerplant shares its basic design with the other engines in the 6G range, and is good for 131kW at 6000 revs.
A way - other than by turbocharging - that Mitsubishi has been able to develop big power from their engines has been through the use of the latest MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve and Lift Electronic Control System) technology. This system employs a multi-mode variable valve timing mechanism set in three modes - low speed, high speed and MD (modulated displacement). The resulting optimised flow of gas through the heads enables these engines to deliver a substantial increase in torque across the entire rev range - but especially in the higher revs, where conventional engines are usually set with conservative valve lift and duration.

Displacing only 2 litres, the atmo MIVEC version of the 6A12 DOHC V6 with its 10.0:1 compression ratio is listed at an impressive 149kW at 7500 rpm and 200Nm at 6000. This engine is most widely-noted for its fitment to the sexy looking Mitsubishi FTO, which it powers from 0-100 km/h in under 8 seconds. There's also another atmo 6A12 engine (in either FWD or AWD configuration) that is the same as above but minus the MIVEC system and some compression points. It is capable of delivering a total of 127kW at lower revs

A turbo version of the non-MIVEC 6A12 engine was released too, which could pull 149kW - the same peak power as the wonderful atmo inducted MIVEC!
Mitsubishi's selection of four cylinders is where the company has earned the majority of its performance reputation.One of the old-school engines Mitsubishi produced in the 80s is the SOHC injected G63B turbo. This engine came available in a number of different specs, but the most desirable is the 3 valves per cylinder 2 litre DASH engine which came in either FWD and RWD guise. This non-intercooled engine was able to stomp out a creditable 149kW at 6000 rpm and 280Nm of torque.
However, the more common version of this engine (also called the G63B) is the 2 valves per cylinder SOHC as found in the Starion/Conquest. This is still capable of a reasonable 131kW at 5500 rpm and 216Nm at 3500 rpm.

At about the same time (the early 80s) the Mitsubishi Cordia GSR hit the streets with very similar technology to the G63B - albeit in a smaller overall package, called the G62B. This 1.85 litre SOHC four was also non-intercooled (like most turbos of the time), and in the ultimate versions used a large capacity turbocharger to help it on the way to a maximum of 119kW at 5800 rpm and 216Nm at 3500.

The next generation of Mitsu fours was all based on the same blocks as those mentioned above, but sported DOHC heads to aid breathing. Amongst this late-80s group of engines is the front wheel drive 4G36 that came in some of the mid/compact size vehicles, sweeping a volume of 2.0 litres and producing 104kW at 6000 rpm.
One of the engines most widely used in competition (especially rally) is the DOHC 4G63 turbo engine. Available in a variety of specs, this engine comes in 2.0 litre capacity and is good for up to 209kW at 6500rpm, and 373Nm at 3000 in the Evolution 6.


Released in both FWD and 4WD configurations, the double over head cam 4G93 atmo and turbo moves 1.8 litres, and generates 112kW at 6500 and 145kW at 6000 rpm respectively. One power-pack for the compact Japanese-spec Lancer GSR hatches was the 4G61 engine that pushed around 1.6 litres, used DOHCs and a single intercooled turbo to create a maximum of 108kW at 6000 revolutions. A smaller engine, the 1.5 litre DOHC 4G91, was a front-wheel-drive-only engine that was designed for use in hatchbacks, mustering up 86kW at 6000 revs with a peak of 137Nm of torque.
The latest MIVEC four cylinder is becoming quite popular in Japan (the only country where it is commercially available), and is an optional fitment to the Mirage, FTO and Lancer. The engine we're interested in here is the 1.6 litre 4G92 front wheel drive, that's good for an astounding 131 kW at a substantial 7500 revs per minute, plus 167Nm of torque at a sky-high 7000. This awesome little engine therefore has a specific power output of 81.8kW per litre - enough to rival even some of the best of the current turbo engines!
Mitsubishi performance motors at a glance...
6G74 3.5 DOHC turbo 194kW
6G74 3.5 DOHC 194kW
6G72 3.0 DOHC twin turbo 209kW
6G72 3.0 DOHC 179kW/127kW
6G73 2.5 DOHC 131kW
6A12 2.0 DOHC MIVEC 149kW
6A12 2.0 DOHC turbo 149kW
6A12 2.0 DOHC 127kW
4G63 2.0 DOHC turbo 164kW
G63B DASH 2.0 SOHC 12 valve turbo 149kW
G63B 2.0 SOHC turbo 131kW
G62B 1.85 litre SOHC turbo 119kW
4G64 2.4 SOHC 108kW
G54B 2.6 SOHC turbo 131kW
4G91 1.5 DOHC 86kW
4G92 1.6 DOHC MIVEC 131kW
4G93 1.8 DOHC 112kW
4G93 1.8 DOHC turbo 145kW
4G36 2.0 DOHC 104kW
4G61 1.6 DOHC turbo 108kW
4g32 - 1600cc
4g33 - 1800cc
4g34 - 1400cc
Example: 4G61T (1.6L I4 turbo motor in the Colt/Mirage turbo)
4 = 4-cylinder
G = Gasoline, Iron Block. (D = Diesel ie 4D65)
6 = Engine Series
1 = Engine Model (Doesn't equate to capacity, as a higher number can belong to a lesser cc'd engine.)
T = Turbo (This is more of an adopted addition to the engine codes, rather than an official part of it. The official way Mistubishi will list the motor is "4G61 Turbo".)
Example: 6A13TT (2.5L V6 twin-turbo motor in the Galant/Legnum VR-4)
6 = 6-cylinder
A = Gasoline, Aluminum block
1 = Engine Series
3 = Engine Model
TT= Twin-turbo
Mitsubishi Engine Code Reference Chart
4D55 - 2.3L. Found in Galant 2.3 TD (A167) as well as Pajero (Shogun) 2.3 TD
4D56 - 2.5L. Used in Pajero (Shogun) 2.5 TD (L049G)
4D65 - 1.8L. Found in Galant 1.8 TD (E34A)
4D68 - 2.0L, 1998cc
4G11 - 1.2L, 1244cc
4G12 - 1.4L, 1410cc
4G13 - 1.3L, 1248cc
4G15 - 1.5L, 1468cc
4G16 - 1.2L, 1198cc
4G18 - 1.6L, 1583cc
4G30 - 1.3L, 1298cc
4G31 - 1.5L, 1499cc
4G32 - 1.6L, 1597cc
4G33 - 1.4L, 1439cc
4G35 - 1.7L, 1686cc
4G36 - 1.2L, 1238cc
4G37 - 1.8L, 1755cc
4G41 - 1.4L, 1378cc
4G42 - 1.2L, 1187cc
4G51 - 1.9L, 1855cc
4G52 - 2.0L, 1995cc
4G53 - 2.4L, 2384cc
4G54 - 2.6L, 2555cc
4G61 - 1.6L, 1597cc. Came available with turbo and naturally aspirated versions. Most are DOHC, but apparently SOHC versions were used.
4G62 - 1.8L, 1795cc
4G63 - 2.0L, 1997cc. Came available with turbo and naturally aspirated versions. Most are DOHC, but apparently SOHC versions were used.
4G64 - 2.4L. Mostly available as a SOHC, there are DOHC versions available.
4G67 - 1.8L, 1836cc
4G69 - 2.4L. Motor is a SOHC MIVEC
4G92 - 1.6L, 1597cc. Known commonly for it's DOHC MIVEC version used in the Mirage.
4G93 - 1.8L, 1834cc. Available as a non-turbo SOCH and DOHC. DOHC turbo version was available in '92+ Lancer GSR.
4G94 - 2.0L. Newer SOHC motor used in the Lancer.
6A10 - 1.6L
6A11 - 1.8L
6A12 - 2.0L. Mostly known to be a DOHC MIVEC used in the FTO. Was also availabe in a twin-turbo version in the early 7G Galant VR-4's.
6A13 - 2.5L. Was commonly a DOHC twin-turbo motor used in the more modern 7G and 8G Galant VR-4's.
6G71 - 2.0L, 1998cc. Only known variant is SOHC and supercharged.
6G72 - 3.0L, 2972cc. This motor came in various forms, including SOHC and DOHC naturally
aspirated versions. A DOHC twin-turbo version was also available in the 3000GT/GTO VR-4.
6G73 - 2.5L, 2497cc. Available naturally aspirated in SOHC and DOHC form.
6G74 - 3.5L. Available naturally aspirated in SOHC and DOHC form.
6G75 - 3.8L. Available naturally aspirated in SOHC and DOHC form.
G15B - 1.5L SOHC 12v Carb found in early Mirage and Precis.
G32B - 1.6L. Came as a SOHC turbo.
G54B - 2.6L. Found in early Montero and Truck.
G62B - 1.8L. Came as a SOHC turbo.
G63B - 2.0L. Came as a SOHC sometimes with turbo. Found in JDM Starion as well as the Cordia and Tredia.
G63B - 2.4L. SOHC found on the early Galant and Expo.
Mitsubishi Engine Alternative Stroker Kits
Thinking of increase your car engine to a bigger displacement? TOMEI stroker kit is a good product for a 4G63T Mitsubishi EVO engine which increase the displacement from 2.0L to 2.2L or 2.3L. However, TOMEI's product do not always come cheap and which this is a burden for a car enthusiast like me. Furthermore there is not many stroker kit available for the 4G93T from a well known manufacturers.
Therefore, another alternative method is like something that how Honda's enthusiasts did to their engines. For example, increasing a B16 to 2.0L by changing the block to B20B from a Honda CRV. Another example is the K20 engine from a 2.0L to 2.4L by using the K24 engine block from the Accord.
For Mitsubishi, we have the 4G64 and the 4G94 which are able to bolt to the 4G63 and 4G93 engine. Therefore if you are having a 4G63T then the 4G64 2.4 block would instantaneously increase your displacement cheaply. On top of that with the after market production of big stroker kits, you can bore and stroke that 2.4 to 2.6L either in the old EVOs and even the new EVOs.
For the 4G93 engine, it is known that the engine block is able to bore and fit in the 83mm pistons which capable to produce 1.9xxL. However there is still risk in the reliability issue of the engine block. For a safer combo, 4G94 engine block is the best bet for 4G93 engine to use.
Still, all these blocks and big internals were not meant to be revved high as they make good power at the midrange. Unless you are using forged and light internals then u prolly can push another 1-2k rpm.
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